Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fornasetti - The Unique One!

           One of my favorite interior design projects we did in design school was the renovation of a restaurant in a San Francisco neighborhood: Laurel Heights. The restaurant is called Ella’s and it is a little restaurant situated on a corner with people frequenting there for breakfast and lunch. The objective of the project was to update Ella’s so it would grow into a dinner spot and be able to complete with Spruce, one of San Francisco’s top restaurants. I choose this theme that paid homage to this Italian painter/sculptor/interior design named Piero Fornasetti. He’s famous for creating more than 11,000 items with majority featuring the face of a famous opera singer named Lina Cavalieri. Fornasetti's stlye emulates this weird vibe to it, but due to the variety and uniqueness of all the images, there is this curious uncanny emotion that draws us in……..This bizarreness of his designs with yet the strong punctuation of detail makes Fornasetti  a strongly desired artist.

Fornasetti's Muse- The Woman who started it all!

The Black White Motif serves as a strong accent

Great Image of Ann. Fornasetti wallpaper can be found at Lee Jofa

                                                  Images Courtesy of: The Gifts of Life & Tumblr

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